Visitation helps children feel more secure after parents& divorce

When New Jersey couples decide to end their marriage, they must decide which parent will have primary custody of the children, how they will divide marital assets, and so on. Researchers are still working to uncover how all of these family law decisions affect the children of divorced or separated parents.

A recent study has found that after children reach age 5, they are less likely to be negatively affected by their parent’s divorce. Younger children are more likely to feel vulnerable and insecure as a result of a divorce. For this reason, some parents may decide to wait until their child is older than about 5 years old before seeking a divorce. Fortunately, most divorces occur when the child is older than 5 years old; the average age of children of divorcing couples is 9 years old.

Thankfully, some of the negative consequences of divorce can be minimized. In the majority of cases, the child’s mother becomes his or her custodial parent after a divorce, which often means that the child spends less time with his or her father. However, if children spend more time with their fathers, children may feel more secure. As adults, they may be more likely to continue their close relationships with their father.

In some cases, the benefits of a divorce outweigh the consequences of keeping the marriage intact. When spouses are constantly hostile to one another, it can be damaging to their children. When people decide to end their marriage, it is best to resolve any child custody, visitation, and child support disputes as quickly as possible. An attorney can facilitate this process.

Source: Source: U.S. News & World Report, “Divorce in Early Childhood May Harm Adult Ties With Parents: Study,” Kathleen Doheny, July 16, 2013
