Going through a divorce is not something that anyone really wants to experience. When a couple decides to end their marriage, it can be a very difficult and emotional decision to come to. They will have to make many important decisions, which could include child custody issues, property division, and spousal support. Anyone in the Morris County area who is considering divorce should weigh all of these options before making any important decisions.
Although it would seem that no time is ever a good time to go through a divorce, it appears that there are actually some times that are not as bad as others. According to a recent study from the University of Minnesota, the divorce rate among the older population is on the rise. According to reports, it seems that getting a divorce after the kids are grown and moved away is much easier than when they are young.
There are several possible reasons for this, but one of the main reasons appears to be that it is much easier to divorce when people are financially stable. Because many couples are in better financial situations later on in life, choosing to get a divorce is easier when they are older instead of earlier when many of life’s situations can still be unstable.
Although divorce is probably not an easy decision no matter when it happens, having the help of an experienced divorce attorney in your corner can make the process go much smoother. If you have reached the end of your marriage then you might want to meet a divorce lawyer now.
Source: MarketWatch, “When's the worst time to get a divorce?,” Quentin Fottrell, May 24, 2014.