How do you modify your divorce decree if you lose your job?

The pronunciations and requirements set forth in your divorce decree in Morristown are based upon your financial status at the time of your separation. So what are you to do if you later lose your job? Your financial obligations to your former spouse and/or your children don’t end with your firing. However, your ability to meet them may be drastically reduced.

If you face such circumstances, you need to initiate the process of having the financial obligations of your divorce decree modified. The New Jersey Courts outline the process that you need to follow in their packet describing post-judgment motions for family court.

You will need to fill out a number of forms that help to clarify your request and propose your changes. These include:

  • Form A (Notice of Motion): This describes your intentions to all parties involved.
  • Form B (Certification): In this document, you describe your reasons for needing the modification.
  • Form C (Proposed Order): This outlines your proposal.

You also need to include documents confirming that you’ve submitted the proper forms to the court as well as to your former spouse. Documentation is also required certifying the information you provided is accurate. A Case Information Statement must be provided which includes proof of your current income. Finally, a Letter to the Clerk along with a $50 filing fee is needed.

Include the date on which you want your motion filed in the Notice of Motion. It’s recommended that you make three copies (five of the Proposed Order) of all of the required paperwork This allows you to give one to your former spouse, to keep one for your own records, and have one to submit to the court (along with the additional copies of the Proposed Order).
