How social media clauses work in prenups

New Jersey couples that are dating or even already engaged should educate themselves about the benefits of prenuptial agreements. Today you have far more opportunities to make use of marital contracts than in previous times. Certainly, prenups can help you protect assets in the unfortunate event that you get a divorce, but it can also do much more than that.

One of the benefits that you can enjoy by entering into a prenuptial agreement is the ability to preserve your public reputation. This can be done through what are referred to as social media clauses. Fox News indicates that many prenups include provisions governing disparaging remarks or acts. The social media clauses are essentially forms of these non-disparaging clauses but specific to the online world. When you are creating a social prenuptial agreement, it is important that you maintain a focus on those comments and posts that are truly negative and potentially harmful to you.

If your former spouse were to post a picture from your joint child’s birthday party that you are included in, for example, that would not generally considered to be harmful. If, however, your former spouse Tweeted details about your child custody agreement along with unpleasant comments about your parenting abilities and the amount of parenting time received, that could be harmful. This can be made more serious if comments can interfere with your professional life and ability to earn a living.

To learn more about prenuptial agreements and other ways to preserve your assets, visit the property division page our website.
