Funding kids' sports after a divorce not always easy

Like people all around the country, many New Jersey residents have excitedly been watching the 2016 summer Olympics. For families with kids deeply involved in sports and even showing glimmers of the rare talent and commitment required to pursue an Olympic path, kids and parents alike can become even more motivated. However exciting, that motivation generally comes at a pretty steep cost and is usually borne by parents. But, what happens when parents are divorced?

There may be no easy answer to this question but it is important to understand how child support awards are made. For starters, most awards in New Jersey include some computation that factors in money to support a child's entertainment needs. This may include social events like movies or concerts but it may also include extracurricular activities such as sports. Even programs run through schools have costs associated with them but for kids with talent that surpasses school programs, the costs can grow quickly.

In cases where this happens, a judge may be able to increase a child support award and allot money for what is usually called special needs or gifted child needs. In this case, the athletic talent would be the gift that may make this possible. However, a parent's income level will also need to come into play. At the end of the day, parents may need to simply make their decisions either together if they are able to do so or individually if that is not possible.

Divorcing parents may find it helpful to work with an experienced attorney to fully understand the financial ramifications of their divorce agreements.
